Audrey Morgan
A personal account of time during the war by Audrey Morgan
My time as a WAAF By Audrey Morgan
We start Audrey’s account when she was called up in the Spring of 1942, thus ending her “easy life” with a major Insurance Company which had evacuated its staff from London to Torquay.
I managed to dodge the Army but was unable to get into the WRENs, my first choice. But I was pleased to be accepted into the WAAFs as my father had previously served in the RFC (47 Squadron) during WWI.
My first month at Innesworth was pretty routine, the usual square bashing, billet cleaning, inspections, and jabs which all passed with no major disasters occurring. I was then due to be trained as a Plotter but suddenly I had a rush of blood to the head and felt that as I had such a cushy war up until now that perhaps I should train for a job where I at least got my hands dirty, so I re-mustered to Equipment Assistant.
Training started at Bridlington and the course lasted two months. I passed out well and became an LACW and was asked to stay on as an instructor with promotion to Corporal. I refused as I was keen to get to a Station and start working at my chosen Trade. Fortune smiled on me, and I was sent to RAF Hornchurch (11 Group) where I was amongst Spitfires, and my life-long interest in that wonderful aircraft was thus kindled.